Tuesday, June 08, 2010

The Taste and Feel of Summer

I will admit to being on something of a sensual kick of late; I don't think I am to blame, honestly. Recently, it's been a lot of fun to reflect on the various sense experiences available throughout the days.

About a month ago, the light in the sky started getting more intense, the sun really filling the sky and then some for the first time in months...and the breezes, for a few blessed weeks, accompanied this new abundance of light; thus we were blessed with the days of Spring. I would take walks with my family in the evening, and you would need to carry a sweatshirt because once the sun finally went down, it would be too cold to be out without added layers.

Well, things are heating up, school is out, and BBQ's frequently scent the air; smoking goodness wafting through the air, sweet tang and fire...I may need to spend more time at the pool to stay cool, but that is hardly a concession for moving from Spring towards Summer. The chlorine perpetually in my hair, the stickiness of spray on sun screen (the wife is adamant...I say, burn early, tan for the rest of the summer...but I seem bound to remain pasty and white...SO attractive...contrasted with the Lobster look, and eventual skin cancer...choices, choices)...and the satisfyingly drained condition of having spent hours in the sun while swimming, walking, or even just sitting and reading, talking, thinking...being.

Of course, the natural choice on such days is citrus; preferably something lemony and berry-ish. Ocassionally, when the heat gets particularly intense (not yet, thank goodness) it's time for Shave It! and my traditional macadamia nut ice cream, with some combination of guava, mango, coconut, passion fruit ice.

Life is good. Summer seems to be a good time for feeling that.