Saturday, June 25, 2005

Not Dead Yet

No, I am not. I am still around...just finding it hard to write much recently. However, some gems have been passed around on the radio and what not, and I thought I would finally say something about them...

First, Eminent Domain. Kinda scary. Scratch that--really scary. Now, I don't expect our government to abuse it...perhaps because I am a blind optimist who trusts those in authority before I take it for granted that they are simply looking for more ways to take advantage of me...but its still pretty scary. Interestingly though, the conservative judges were the ones voting against it. For all the doom and gloom coming from the left, all the talk of the imperial designs of the Bushes and the Right Wing Religious Fantatics (I've been listening to a lot of Air America recently...for some reason I enjoy making myself sick I guess)--yet inspite of all of this, the conspiracies that Bush actually planned 9/11--the Left has hardly blinked this new interpretation of Eminent Domain. Something that actually endangers the common man...and they don't care. Ironic, no?

Second...again, from Air America...I actually heard a liberal say that war was so important that when America goes to war, there can be no question of whether it should be right or not, no need to sell the war to the public--and that if we have to sell it, something's wrong. Well that sounds very idealistic...and completely crazy. If I could have spoken with this Liberal I would have asked if she was under the impression that all the previous necessary wars in our history were wars which the public naturally supported? The Cold War? World War II? World War I? The Civil War? Heck, the Revolution? Wars are sold. Its a fact--and another fact is that we have almost never had universal support for the decision to go to war. The closest we came would probably be right after the firing on Fort Sumpter and the Bombing of Pearl Harbor. Still, in the course of 5 YEARS of fighting the wars that came after those suprise attacks, and the rebuilding that came after, it was necessary for our government to sell the war on numerous occasions in order to keep the public interested and devoted to the cause. If we hadn't, we'd have remained a divided nation...or Europe would belong to Germany, Asia to Japan.

Here's my point--war is tough. People die in war--and that's never easy to deal with--and I respect and honor every man and woman who has served--every family that has sacrificed. But sacrifice doesn't mean that this war is bad--nor does it mean that we're losing it. The only reason there continues to be a reason to "sell" this war is because the Left continues to insist that the nation has been lied to by leaders looking for ways to secure cheaper gas prices rise...who sounds like they are talking out of their butts and who sounds like they are doing what America has always done when faced with challenges in war?

I know, I know--too much politics. Soon to come--my thoughts on Batman. I just bought a Graphic Novel--very excited!

Friday, June 17, 2005

If I Could Save Time in a Bottle...

the first thing that I'd like to do is to save everyday till eternity passes away just to spend them with you...

So much going on right now...and all I wish I could do is find the pause button. It doesn't exist this side of eternity. More thoughts, more hopes, more new dreams. More new realizations...more challenges...too much for tonight. Tomorrow morning I am taking the CBEST. I've been told its a piece of cake. I have, historically, done well at these sorts of standardized lets just pray that the status quo is maintained. So...instead of trying to express everything (since I have to get to sleep, and I'm not even sure you'd like to hear it all...) I'm going to cover just a few thoughts...mostly in blurb form, and I'll leave you with a few questions.

My parents left today. The life of a missionary family is a puzzling one. We have many wonderful blessings. I know what it means to see the world. I have a realistic idea of what is out there--and what home actually means. And though I'd never ask them to stay, I cannot help but miss them all more each time they go. Its true of my wife's family as well (also missionaries)...the miles feel very long, the world very wide, when they are leaving. Everytime it makes me yearn deep down for the day when I CAN ask them to stay and just be. Just be. Hmm.

One thought...a common cliche in movies is the statement, roughly, "26 years later and I still ended up being my father!" I was watching one tonight that had this line in it...and I had to wonder...when did that become such a bad thing? Or do no parents exist that are worth modeling ourselves after? Have the hippies never died and we still falsely imagine that all parents are these idiotic, power-hungry, hypocritical, conniving creeps? This seems truly destructive to society.

Another thought...have you noticed that those little rubber braclets which originally started with Lance Armstrong's "Live Strong" campaign have now spread to almost every facet of life? I admit--I finally bought one--the check-out lady asked me if I want to let them charge me a dollar for Prostate Cancer, and as my Grandpa died of Prostate I quickly said yes and now I have a light blue braclet on my wrist. Not sure if it works for me...but I'll wear it for a little while anyways.

I watched Madagascar the other day with the family. A lot of fun...though like most dreamworks animation productions, pretty mature in comparison to Pixar. I love Pixar. My favorites have to be between the Incredibles and Nemo. Such great messages--generally not watered down sop stories of equality and what-not. Real morals--very refreshing, especially (and frighteningly) for the younger audiences--kids stuff today is getting worse and worse when it comes to values. I know. I watch Saturday morning cartoons. :) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles all the way baby!

Well, that's all for tonight. Mostly, I needed to have SOME outlet for everything...I am thinking about too many things to go straight to sleep. But I DO have to wake up at 7-ish tomorrow morning, so I should get to sleep. There's simply not enough time..."there never seems to be enough time to do the things that you want to do once you find them." But...if I could save time in a bottle...

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hail to the Chief

Its about time, Mr President.

Interestingly (and predictably) little notice has been given to the White House recently by the press. Being disappointed that he won, they are trying to avoid recognizing him as the victorious President that he is by ignoring him and instead merely referring to the White House's supposed agenda.

Well, President Bush finally presented himself as the leader of the majority. Bravo! About time! Take notice, those on the Left: this is an accurate summation of the politics of the Democrats. The minority IS trying to destroy our nation and government.

Sigh. But--the speech was beautiful.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

A Great Day

My family is here this week. They're missionaries in the Philippines and they are headed back there after having spent a year on home ministry. And, naturally, before going back they are getting some quality time with us. Its a priority because the miles are long and the environment is at least mildly dangerous (for them) and they don't get to go through without spending time with us. We always have a good time--working out those little adjustments that come with growing up and being friends with your parents--and we always do something that I remember for a long time afterwards.

Today was particularly good though. We had decided to drive up to Big Bear and spend the day up there. For those of you not in California or unfamiliar with Big Bear...its really beautiful up there--a town built about 7000 ft above the rest of us around a beautiful lake. We don't get to go there the charm really hasn't worn off. Not whole lot to do up there (if you're not intending to spend a lot of money) beyond walk and look at shops and what not...but when you go with that in mind, it can be a lot of fun. Today really was.

And I needed that. These past two weeks have been a little difficult. Having never known exactly what I wanted to be, over the past few months that has been a serious issue...and it only intensified over the past two weeks. So, needless to say, it was a real relief today to just get (literally) above it all and walk in the trees and think only about how beautiful it all was.

On a less reflective note...I heard today that once again people are trying to outlaw spanking. How ridiculous will we get?!?! Any sane person knows that there's a difference between discipline and beatings...and I gotta say I think in many cases spankings are almost necessary. I admit, I am relatively new to the whole fatherhood deal--and I have had very little reason to spank Aiden--the kids is barely old enough to deal with it and he's basically the sweetest kid around anyways. However...when you get to be dealing with children that are...going to school...interacting with other frequently...pushing new boundaries constantly...I think its important at times to show that certain transgressions are not just "oops" instances...sometimes there's pain involved. Not because I want to harm my child--but so that he will learn to consider the gravity of his actions. I don't think this is easily impressed on a 6 year old by making them sit for 15 minutes. It sounds a little old-fashioned...but pain is a very effective teacher in most cases. I recognize there will be exceptions--there always are. appears that those exceptions want to start making rules. That's inappropriate. Most kids can learn from a proper spanking (by which I mean, a sound whack to the behind as a result of disobedience and a warning)...its just silly to say that it cripples kids. "Spare the rod, spoil the child." Right?

And of course...the parent shouldn't spank out of anger--that's dangerous. Spankings are tools for instruction...which is why its really silly to me that they are viewed as extreme measures. Anyways...that may be me. I was spanked...maybe I'm ill-adjusted and don't realize my problems are making me miss the reality of the dilemma.


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Nanny 911 VS Super-Nanny

Fox and ABC have their respective versions of the Nanny reality TV show. Basically...families with clueless parents, and out of control kids get British Nannies (Americans are too crude to be nannies apparently) to help them. Of all the reality shows out there...these are actually interesting, and beneficial to the audience--Sheri and I always have discussions about what the parents should be doing and talk about how we will deal with the challenges we see them dealing with.

However...there's a clear quality difference. Nanny 911 (Fox) out-does Super-Nanny (ABC) in almost every way. First, N-911 has a variety of Nannies, led by a Nanny who served the Royal Family of Britain. So the cool factor is definately on the side of Fox. Secondly, while the N-911 nannies give instructions and rules but basically make the parents do everything for themselves so they finally learn, the nannies of SN actually do the work for the parents the first day. Though they DO actually leave the parents to the task the next day, the instruction is lacking--by doing it for the parents, the parents never have to figure out for themselves (suing the guidelines set out by the nannies) what was wrong with their previous approach. Instead, the parents essentially do none of the things the nanny did, because they just watched the nanny do the work--and the kids may respect the unfamiliar nanny, but the parent is not getting used to asserting authority. And finally...the nannies of N-911 wear proper English Nanny outfits and are very proper in their behavior and language. The SN nanny dressed like your average person...and was pretty coarse--was basically mocking the mother in her observation period.

Hands down, watch Fox's version on Monday nights. Its actually a really good show.

First...I was driving today, and this post has been inspired by a man who called the radio station I was listening too...this caller said (and was affirmed by the host of the show I was listening to) that America needed to realize that the greatest threat to our way of life was not the terrorists but NeoCons. Neo Conservatives. Threating the American way of life. More so then any man who ever flew a plane into any building...more so then any man who beheaded innocent civilians...more so then any tyrant with aspirations of world domination and brutal genocide.

Initially, I could only laugh. Clearly, this pinko-commie was off his rocker. But I had to could anyone seriously postulate that the Religious Right of America honestly represented a greater threat to the "American Way" then terrorists? Whether it should have or not...this troubled me. So I thought about it a long time.

And finally I grasped the truth; the stereotypes have truth in them after all. In the past election year, I learned that to be taken seriously on any "meaningful" level, you have to remove yourself from the Fox News, Drudge Report pundits--supposedly if you enjoy cartoons lampooning the left you're just another right wing nut-job whose opinion isn't as valid as, say, the Michael Moore's and Dan Rather's out there. However...I am beginning to doubt the accuracy of this opinion. Whether I read Fox News or not...whether I allow myself to laugh at a cartoon dipicting all Lefties as Pinko-Commies or not...I am regarded as a serious threat to Democracy by men like this caller--and I have to assume he's not alone since the host of the radio show affirmed and encouraged his depiction of the Right. They think its legitimate. Why?

I finally got it. Because, democracy, to the Left, means enforced Equality, without absolute values of any meaningful kind--because that interferes with Equality. To the Left, I, a Right Wing Nut-Job, have much more in common with the terrorists then I do with them. I believe in absolute truths which require a life that changes in the light of truth. To the Left...this is incomprehensible. And, because I am an American, which supposedly means I should support the idea of democracy as one that prizes equality above all else but I don't...I really AM a bigger threat to the Left's interpretation of America's way of life then any terrorists--I'm right here, trying to ensure that Deomcracy is defined not by Equality, but Liberty.

Liberty and Equality. Two very different values.

Those that prize Liberty suggest that all men are created with equal rights and gives the freedom to enjoy those rights--with the faith that men given the opportunity to make whatever life they want for themselves WILL find prosperity. They believe in absolutes, because Liberty allows for right and wrong--as right as it is for men to be free, it is wrong for men oppress others--and they value life, authority, etc. Those who value Liberty were men like Churchill. Eisenhower. Reagan. Lincoln. Washington. Heroes.

Those that prize Equality suggest that all men deserve to have exactly the same opportunities--and that when those opportunities don't materialize we should enforce equality; they believe that to have equality, we cannot value anything absolutes because that suggests that those who don't agree wouldn't be on an equal playing field with us--the only absolute is the need for absolute Equality. The best examples of enforced Equality is the French Revolution at the end of the 1700's and the Russian Revolution at the beginning of the 1900's. Both brought death and terror. Equality brings the uprooting and upturning of all that holds society together, and ironically tyrants spring forth everytime in the wake of a revolution of enforced Equality. Napoleon and Stalin didn't rise out of liberty. They came about at the hands of "Citizens" and "Comrades."

Because I prize liberty I am a threat. Of course they'll never say it...that's the truth. I am poor...I don't want a hand-out, nor do I want to penalize the rich for the fact that I am poor. I am therefore a traitor.

I believe in absolutes and consider such truths to have a direct effect on my life--and see black and white, right and wrong. There tends to be little room for undistinguishable Equality in such a world. I am public enemy #1 to the Left...along with everyone else that holds a similar belief.

I don't think all Democrats fall into this category--I have friends that are independents and even Democrats who would think that this idiot was as stupid as I do. But there is a large majority on the Left that would agree with the comment made by this insightful radio caller. And I finally understand exactly why. Interesting.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Christian Love and Evil

First, let me say--I love comments. Please comment--if you agree or disagree. Discussion is wonderful--what better way to know more truth than to open-mindedly discuss with others? In the comments it was asked: why do we need "Christian Love" and where does evil come from?

The answer to both of these questions, in my opinion, revolves around one major issue: humanity's selfishness.

First to say, Love that doesn't know Christ is flawed, and is never really love. At its best it is a twisted version of the authentic. Love without Christ is ultimately, without exception, about yourself. Its about satisfying your desires for whatever it is that you cling to in the name of "love". For a truly great experiment in examining humanity's version of love, read C.S. Lewis' Great Divorce. I've read it/listened to it...oh, at least a dozen times now--and each time I see a little more clearly how manipulative we are when we speak of love that is seperated from Christ.

Why is Christian love unselfish? Because--its author, its model, its King gave up Himself when there was nothing to gain but love. Christ loved when we could not even comprehend what that meant. Paying the price in Himself, He enabled us to be redeemed...more importantly--He gave us an example of what real love looked like (selfless, sacrificial and stronger than Hell itself in its joy) and then bizarrely told us to follow His lead.

That's why Christian love is necessary. Its the only real love there is--certainly its the only love that would ever offer us anything other then torment and destruction.

As for evil...perhaps you can already guess what I am going to say...evil is selfishness. Its putting our will before God's--chosing our preferred, lesser good, over the greater good offered to us by our creator. In so doing, we exalt ourselves to a position we were never intended to occupy--deciding what is our best good for ourselves--and we sin against God. As we do this...the lesser good that we cling too (and it IS a lesser good--evil only exists as a perversion of the good--in itself it is nothing) that good becomes an evil thing, not because the good that originally attracted us is wrong--but because we have undermined God, using our freewill to chose our way before His way, we have destroyed the very thing we would have given up heaven to keep for ourselves.

Think of a bubble. Everybody, as a child, loved bubbles. They're wonderful, beautiful magical things. Every kid wants to reach out and grap that mysterious floating ball...and the instant you try to close your hand on the bubble, the bubble disappears. The only way you can handle a bubble is by using the Bubble Wand--any other approach and the bubble is gone. So it is with any good that you try to hold onto when it is outside of the will of God.

Sex. Money. Power. Love. Fame.

No person who has achieved their ends when pursuing one of these things for itself has ever found satisfaction. But those who try to impliment the ideals of Christian love into their life...if and when any of those lesser goods come into their lives--they discover the joy that those good bring, and as they were satsified merely to love God and live the life that His love leads us towards, their satisfaction cannot be shaken.

By the way...before the 6th becomes the 7th...take a moment and reflect on how the world changed when thousands of young men didn't reflect on their own desires, but instead stormed the beaches of a land far away to defeat a man who had decided that war was a viable option for venting his hatred. At Normandy, the world changed.

To those that gave their lives...and to those who survived and lived lives of honor; thank you. The world was changed by your sacrifice and by your determination. May this new generation learn from you before it is too late.

It is a truly disturbing thought to me that my son will likely never actually know anyone who was alive and served during the Second World War.
Semi-Charmed Life

Its cliche, I know, but I haven't written in a while and I needed a title...sue me.

I am tired of being in between stages of life--always developing, never being. It used to be that when I felt like this, there was some "event" coming up that I could throw my energy into (in point of fact, often the event was the source of the angst)...but now I am anxious over life. How tiring.

Disatisfaction is...disatisfying. Heh...I am tired. I am signed up to take the CBEST on June 18th. I'm applying for jobs anywhere that it looks like it might pay enough to support us...and I am dealing with the reality that whatever else may happen, I may not be doing any of the things that I would love to do in the near future (at least, not full-time) because it just doesn't seem possible that everything will work out. Do what I love AND get paid well for it?!?! Not likely...or so I am coming to see.

Generally I like to think that I have lived a charmed life, and partly as a result, imho, I am generally an optimist. A realist...but an optimistic realist--the reality of life is that there are problems but there's also a loving God. And I've had a good time...never broken a bone...never gotten terribly sick...usually get more than I deserve--including Sheri and Aiden...but getting through the stress of establishing yourself in life is daunting even for me. Too many things would have to simply fall into place.

However...I DID just get an i-Pod as a Graduation present, and the music has been playing constantly ever since. Nothing can be too daunting when the music's playing, right?

I think there is something to the myth that song is at the heart of the universe. The peace that comes from the harmonies and melodies--from the simple beat--of a favorite song is more calming than any nap, hot chocolate, sunny afternoon...apart from the rare chance to lose yourself in unspoilt nature, music is one of the best chances of touching something deeper than your own petty thoughts. Therapy for the soul...and a lot of fun for the rest of you.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Life After Biola

Start with life as we know it today...

As you probably caught, I graduated this past Saturday. I have a B.A. now...and I am, surprise, unemployed. So, I am looking for a job, while my incredible wife helps us make ends meet by picking up extra hours. The problem in finding a job--I can get a job--but I need a job that pays enough to let Sheri stay home during the week. These are hard to find. SO I continue looking. Meanwhile I am home with Aiden. He's amazing, and developing so fast its frightening. He also requries a lot of time and attention--in fact, this is stolen time...and I have to go help him right now. So, I'll be on here a little less in the foreseeable future--at least till things pick up a little more. Maybe in the evenings.