Thursday, January 26, 2006

A New Job

So, I have applied for a position teaching History full-time (yes, FULL TIME!!!) at Santa Fe Springs Christian School. It doesn't pay the greatest, but it would be nearly enough I think. And I would have a classroom, be teaching at the same school as a good friend, old room-mate and groomsman, Justin Rupple, and I would be in an environment to teach kids to love history and to see how wonderful and reassuring it is to trace the hand of God's providence throughout the ages. I am totally stoked.

It'll be some time before they can give me an answer, but I am hopeful. Of late I have been praying very hard for this, among other things, and I deeply believe that this is God answering my prayers for a way to provide for my family as Sheri returns to full-time status as a student. Whatever happens, He has led us this far, and will not forsake us in the middle of our journey. There is great comfort in that!

Narnia in Text

I am rereading Narnia. Its been over a decade since I read them through, and I have found that I had forgotten their charm. I am presently in the middle of Voyage of the Dawn Treader, reading them in chronological order (not as they were originally written).

The thing I have found interesting this time, as I read them, is how deeply the interactions with Aslan affect me. I was always a fan, but now I am most excited when Aslan is present in the book. The moment that quite literally brought tears to my eyes was when Alsan finally becomes visible to all four of the children after their return to Narnia in Prince Caspian, and he comes to speak to Edmund and merely says, "Well done." As any lover of fantasy could tell you, when you read a good fantasy you cannot help but imagine yourself as one of the heroes you are reading about. Peter, or Caspian were the heroes I dreamed about when I read Narnia before. But today I feel more and more of a connection to the character of Edmund. I have lost any annoyance I might have once had for Lucy and find her admirable and beautiful in her joy and simple faith. I used to be disturbed by Susan's lack of faith in the end, but now I read it and I think I can see it creeping in all along the way--I see more clearly now the seeds that she allowed herself to sow that would keep her from answering Aslan's call in the end. I know that I am no Peter, nor am I a Caspian (Lewis' equivalent, I think of David in the Bible)...and I don't think I have ever been an Eustance. But Edmund I feel a kind of connection too.

I am glad that Lewis wrote fantasies that have allowed me to grow and enjoy them more.

Scary Times

We are living in frightening times. The Middle East is daily becoming more and more volatile. Lord God where will this end?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Alito Revisited

So it looks good.

I just have to say...I am pretty happy with the way things are going. I listen to AM 1150 "Air America" out here fairly frequently...I guess I have a masochistic edge or something...anyways, I listen to them and they are really funny (when they aren't being out and out imbeciles). The most enjoyable part is listening to their over confident, condescending attitude, as they judge the half of the country they berate for being judgemental and condescending, etc.

Anyways...I'm feeling good. Even if November is everything the Dems wish it could be (which it won't be) they won't have the court, which is unfortunately too powerful. Still, I'd rather control the nuclear bomb and talk about trying to get rid of it than let it go and try to convince the new owner of it that they should give it up, know what I mean?

Friday, January 06, 2006

Sharon: a Question for the World

I will be very interested to see how the world reacts to the passing of Ariel Sharon. I know he's not dead yet...but he's awfully close, and it got me thinking. With the brouhaha that erupted following the death of a known terrorist (Arafat) and the ridiculous claims that he was some sort of great humanitarian, I wonder what they will do if and when one of the most effective leaders in the Middle East passes on. Arafat, when he wasn't commiting/leading/sanctioning acts of terrorism was pretty much useless. Sharon has actually taken steps, unpopular to his own people, to try and bring some peace. What will the world say I wonder.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Its been a long period of silence.

In the time since my last post, several things have happened.

Narnia was great. I got sick. My first semester teaching ended with my students bringing me presents--I was totally unprepared. I stayed sick. We said goodbye to family visiting from Africa where they serve our Lord faithfully. Aiden got sick. Christmas came, without a tree or serious decorations in our home, it came nonetheless. I remained ill, and Aiden mostly recovered. We enjoyed good family time. We had a wonderful evening with the Reynolds family. My Grandmother died. I worked New Year's Eve. A New Year began. I remained sick. School started up again, and I have finished ther first day of classes in the new year. I remain somewhat ill.

Its been a busy last couple weeks. God has been very good to me and my family. Thank you Lord for Christmas, and for this New Year.