Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Ode to the Gym

Oh thou gym,
This is your hymn.

To thee we go,
For we would know--
The joy of pain,
Through which we gain
Agony! Exhaustion!
Perhaps satisfaction?

We shall see...
It may be...
But for now,
I wonder how--
Have I done harm,
When I can't lift my arms?


Well, if I were a better poet, people might miss me when I was at the it is...not so much.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Mr. Leigh, you've probably read this already, but this article sounds like something that you'd just LOVE to post something on, here it is:

Sorry, I don't know how to do the link thingy, so you're gonna have to do it the ole fashioned way.

P.S. Nice ode, you should add another stanza about sweat and body odor or something along those lines....

Mr. Choo

KJP said...

Cute poem, interesting site....

Blarney said...


Why don't you compose poetry like that in the middle of class? If you yelled it loud enough, I'm sure the FAT's and World Lit. students would love it!