Sunday, October 28, 2007

We have an announcement...

Well, now that Aiden is about to turn three, and Sheri's nearing the end of school, we've decided that we are able to allow our family to grow. We have been coming to this decision for the past three months or so...and today seems to have been the big day.

Friends, I'd like to announce that we're going to be having two additions to our family. Pictures to come soon, Reepicheep and Peepiceek are the newest inhabitants of the house. We were initially planning on getting a hampster, then talked about a Guinea Pig, but it finally became clear that rats were the way to go. Not ugly, vicious sewer rats...these are cute, curious, albeit somewhat poopy rats. Seriously, a ton of fun. Sheri and I are acting like new parents again...checking in on them every few minutes. And hopefully, Aiden will get the opportunity to learn how to care for animals.

Fun times with Reep & Peep.
Another update..."Peep" is no longer Peep. After some study, we discovered that Rats can actually learn to respond to names. Reep and Peep sound alike. Not good. So now, its Reepicheep and in Basil of Bakerstreet. And yes, Lindsay...Ratatouille IS too French...even though I loved the movie. :)


Linds said...

Awesome! Although I'll tell you, I'm sad you missed the opportunity to name one of them Ratatouille. But would that have been too French? :)

Blarney said...

Heh...Mary-Kate doesn't seem to appreciate the majesty of your rodent friends...Congratulations; and they have lovely names.

MK Reynolds said...

Well, I would appreciate them, but rats pretty much freak me out. :)

Anonymous said...

I can understand a hamster or something like that, maybe, but I doubt God intended rats to be a replacement for man's best friend.
But I've got bias from some past experience...

Linds said...

Well, if it can't be Ratatouille, Basil is perfect. :)