Monday, March 09, 2009

Just a Frog With A Musical Show, no shootings...

While I look for ways to squeeze more blood from stones, I am also getting ready to teach Economics next year in 10th grade...anyone have any suggested reading for said project?

It's been an incredibly busy time of the year. In the last few weeks, I have been attempting to transform my lesson plans into a WASC-ready format (the busiest busy work you've ever had does not least I am putting in my time this side of death...purgatory will be a breeze), I have been out to and back from Austin Texas, where we went and visited Regents to compare notes and examine a successful model of what we hope to be in 10 years. I could say a lot about this...suffice to say, it was awesome. In the midst of all of this, my classroom-mate and I have been putting on the Jr. High Speech Meet, which culminated this past Friday with a competition down in Lomita.

All good things...just keeping me very busy. Coming soon; trip to Oregon for an old friend's wedding.


Ariel said...

Hi Mr. Leigh. Remember me from Inklings? Also, a good economics series that I've worked with is the Uncle Eric series by Richard J. Maybury. He explains some very complex ideas in simple enough terms for those of us with pea-sized brains. Such is my two-cents. I hope everything works out for you.

Marci's World said...

Larry recommends Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics, Donald Nash's Poverty and Wealth (Why Socialism Dosn't Work) and Tim Harford's Uncover Economist (my personal favorite) - for your own edification. As far as for students - Uncle Eric is good but the above will give you background for it.