Thursday, April 28, 2005

I have long been a fan. I watched the first season and had my television mind blown away--and though at first I was very unhappy with the end, after thinking about it for a little bit I realized just how necessary it was.

Three seasons later...this fourth season had been the best since the first. I was enjoying it, and felt that they had remembered what had made them great--making every minute count, while utilizing a believable story that encompassed both action and a little (preferably less of the soap-opera variety) drama, all the while building the character of Jack up to the image of a hero that has rarely seen an equal.

Then they crossed a line. They have been fighting time. There have been other instances where the unbelievable occured and you had to admit to yourself that beyond the credibility factor, there was also the issue of covering the entire hour with enough action to keep the auidence invovled. Well...this time they went too far. From conveniently "forgetting" about a helicopter in the middle of a gunfight while the nuclear football is being hunted down by terrorists, to now suggesting that with a nuclear missle loose on American soil there would be even a question of the proper course of action by the President--or even worse, that any government official would be more concerned with arresting an officer who acted outside protocol to get necessary information then with shutting down the terrorist threat--its just too ridiculous. Jack gets into trouble now, not because its a serious threat but instead its just to give them a few extra minutes to stretch out the apparently otherwise too short story. I know it sounds silly to be upset about something like a TV show...but I respect good story-telling. I am a fan of good story-tellers...and I will be fairly devoted to them, even through less then sparkling work, if they stay true to their original story's integrity. 24's integrity was centered on the fact that every minute meant something--the story was good enough to mean that there was never much wasted time, and you the viewer cared about every little detail as a result. 24 has lost that quality...and it'll lose this viewer if they keep it up.

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