Thursday, April 28, 2005

I'll admit something...I have, hitherto, not really understood the worthwhile nature of a blog. I just didn't get it--and might not still. But, I have read more of other people's blogs...and I believe I am starting to understand. Its not merely opining about what ails you...its not even just a sounding board for complaints or gripes or whatever else...and it most certainly isn't all about making "deep, insightful" comments or nothing at all. Its about discussion. So...from here on out...I will try and discuss. Hopefully...this space will rapidly see more activity then ever before. We'll see.

So...thought for right now...Spanish classes in college are easily the biggest waste of time and money for students who, like me, have never before tried to master a language and are only doing so presently to fulfill a GE requirement. Not a profound thought, or even terribly interesting--I know...but I'm late for class so it'll have to do till later.

So think about that--Spanish classes=waste of time and money.


slowlane said...

Spanish classes are a waste of money and time only in the same way that history classes are.

Chris said...

Typical. :)

And incorrect. I'll never use Spanish again--at least, not enough to warrant wasting the time I have on it in college...but when you sit through a history class (at least one that's done well) whether you like it or not you learn something that will make you a better person in the long run. I'll forget within a month the difference between the past perfect and present perfect tense in Spanish--but who can honestly say that they have completely lost the benefit of learning even the slightest bit about the Civil War, WWII, the Great Depression, the Crusades, the Opening of the American fronteir, the American Revolution, etc?!?!? I think not.

slowlane said...

Your bias screams loudly.

You may not need to know what verbs are past perfect and which are present, but learning even the littlest of Spanish will help you in:
1) Restaurants
2) Reading the increasing amount of literature that includes Spanish vocab
3) Knowing how to learn other languages
4) Make you a better world citizen
5) Help the US be a better country (how many other nations do you know where the majority of citizens are monolingual?)
6) Help you figure out words that have latin roots

It's called a liberal arts education because it gives you a bit of all of the arts. It is what makes you a more well rounded person. It is what makes you an intellectual and not a technician.

También, puedo decirlo como así: si tú no aprendes un poquito de cualquier idioma, eres como una avestruja con la cabeza en la arena. La verdad es que ingles no puede ser la única lenguaje, y por eso, es evidencia de egoismo o "jingoism" pensar que no vale la pena de aprender otro idioma. No quiero dar ofenso, pero todo en el nombre de la discusión.

Chris said...

see...if you were right, then I would have gained some benefit from you posting in Spanish. As it is...Yo tengo nada.

slowlane said...

Obviously the reason you didn't gain anything from my explanation in Spanish is that I misspelled a word. It is "avestruz" not "avestruja."
My sincere apologies.