Monday, July 04, 2005

Poverty Revisited...and an Ode to my Home

I talked with my wife and she suggested that I could express it more clearly. Plus, I watched some more news recently and found out more of what was actually going I figured I would add an adendum to my first post.

Here is the problem, as I see it: Mandella and crew are saying they will remove the face of poverty from the world. As if that is the problem today with the world. As if that is even possible. The poor we will always have with us. The only man never to lie stated that plainly. I think there are higher goals to keep in mind.

While releasing poor nations from their obligations of debt does sound like a good idea if it is possible, that is not going to stop the dying. Because Poverty doesn't kill anyone. What kills people is the lack of Justice in those nations. Without freedom and justice, prosperity only means the widening of the gap between the wealthy and the poor. What the nations of Africa need is justice, not freedom from debt or financial aid.

I cannot help but think of the old adage--give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day--teach a man to fish and he'll never go hungry again. The problem in Africa is not the lack of money--plenty of people have survived that to become incredibly prosperous. The problem is, if we could send $100 Billion to them this very instant, all that would end up happening is there would be one man, or ten men with enormous fortunes and the rest of the country would still be dying. Think I'm way off? Look at the third world nations of the world. They aren't third world nations because they don't have resources--or even because they haven't received aid from more prosperous nations--they are third world nations because there is no justice present.

A prime example would be the Philippines. They've received plenty of money over decades of relations with the US. Have the people prospered from this, or have the rich got richer, the poor poorer? Sadly, its the latter, not the former.

So--things like the "Live 8" concerts...they're obviously motivated by a desire to help. But they are really naive when it comes to understanding the problem. Lyndon Johnson also said we would end poverty. Some 35 years later, I am sorry to say he was completely wrong. Poverty isn't the problem so long as unjust men continue to go free. Poverty isn't the problem when the innocent and the helpless remain defenseless and uncared for. So I think long before we address the problems of the financial world...we need to address the problems of the moral and social world that really are killing people in Africa in an endless stream.

My solution? Its time to stop beating around the bush when it comes to comparing governments. If poverty kills, certain types of government surely have their hands soaked in blood. I'm not saying we make a government cookie cutter--but the fact is there are good governments and there are bad governments--and bad government has a lot more to do with what is killing Africa than poverty.

I shouldn't boil the problem down to bad government--there are moral issues killing Africa too. Aids is an entirely defeatable disease in a moral society--yet it is running rampant in Africa. This has nothing to do with the ecconomic stability or health of the continent.

Freedom. Liberty. Justice for All. They are central to a nation that thrives and prospers. The people of this nation have had the good fortune, even providential guidance, to have an incredibly bountiful land as their home. It is these virtues that have made a great nation. If we could bestow on gift on Africa, these are what they need--not our money.

That's not to say I don't understand the desire to give money. But they are telling people that this will finally fix the problem. They're wrong.

As for the celebrities that are doing it...yes--its better that they do this rather than doing nothing. I just think it was truly ironic, from their dress to their attitude, that they were explaining the needs of the truly poor. Nothing wrong with them being involved...I just couldn't help but reflect on the irony.

Happy Fourth all! 229 years and going strong. God Bless America!

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