Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Fallout

I had an accident almost 2 months ago. It was decided by the police that it was her fault, and the insurance company has already settled. So why am I still dealing with these people?!?

I have now received what I would consider a threatening phone call from someone connected to the lady I was in an accident with nearly two months ago. I am assuming (I refuse to talk with them, per all the advise I have received from everyone I have sought counsel with) that they are upset because since they were found at fault, they have to cover their damages themselves. Today, "Carlos" called me to tell me "there are other ways of dealing with this...there are other ways..." may not sound terribly threatening, but you can hear it in his voice...he at least intends to be intimidating. Fortunately, I have him recorded (technically...he recorded himself, as he left it in my voicemail...) and am calling the police to ask them to deal with this harassment. However...I work nights, and they have our of those things about exchanging info at the scene, etc. So pray that they are just full of hot air, and more than that, that whatever happens Sheri and Aiden be kept safe.

I just keep repeating to myself "I bought this lady juice. JUICE!" Oh well. I rest in the peace that I did the best I could at the time...I think I honored God before myself in the situation...and whatever comes of this is in His hands.


James said...

hang in there, Chris, we're praying.

Chris said...

thanks Jim