Congrats, I feel, are in order.
I will probably go to sleep without knowing *for sure* the fate of the Senate, but I will go ahead and offer my Congratulations for their hard fought win. It seems that my predictions were, well, not on the money this time around. Can't win 'em all.
They won, and we lost. Such is life.
You see...this was an important election. I don't think its sour grapes to say that I believe our country will be in a worse place tomorrow than it was today. No, I cannot deny that I believe that to be the truth.
But this election isn't the final election, whatever that might look like. It was one election. I have not spent much time ranting about it, because it didn't honestly bother me all that much. I suppose that is in part because I believe the sides have already been drawn, and our nation needs to decide if we are beyond saving or not. I don't believe there is a way to "solve" the current conflict, nor do I believe that there is a "way out", as if any one country encapsulated the current conflict.
You see...there is an ideological war being waged against the ideology of our civilization. We can choose to ignore it, but that won't make it go away. We can run from it...but that doesn't mean it won't come looking for us in the dark of the night.
And I think that reality will sink in...even if it costs us something in the present. And, when that reality DOES sink in...the party of action will be recalled to power, just as good old Winnie was called out of near retirement when the politics of appeasement were finally exposed for the brutal failure they are in the late 1930's.
And so...the Democrats control the House, and possibly the Senate.
They won with promises of cures through the "Science" of Stem Cell research. They won with promises of "ending" the corruption of politics (this, coming from a party with leaders like Harry Reid, caught in a land scheme just last month...). They won with the promise of solving our international problems by getting us out of Iraq--that "Second Vietnam" they are so eager to denounce. Yes, they "won." And
we lost.
They "won", after 4 elections in 6 years with a narrow margin. Not exactly a sweeping "Blue Wave", but who's keeping track?
Heh. I know, this sounds dramatic. Well, sometimes something as silly as politics is dramatic.