Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Barnes & Noble

One of the gifts from my classes this past year were gift cards to Barnes & Noble, a fantastic gift for the teacher of your "read'n & book stuff" class. Combined with the 20% discount card I had for being an educator, I had somewhere around $65 free dollars to spend on one of the things I can never have enough of.

It was truly fortuitous, because I had just been deciding that the next time I get to splurge in a book store, I would be investing in a genre severely lacking on my personal bookshelves: Comic Books/Graphic Novels.

Sheri & I have been making our way through Smallville (we're now in season 5...still enjoying ourselves, though there are some roll your eyes moments), and I got to sit in on the Heroes & Saviors meta-Torrey last semester at Biola. The result of all of this is that I am on a serious Super-hero kick, and at a certain point you can only go for so long like that before you need to invest in the medium of Super-heroes; namely, comic books.

So here is my current library, including acquisitions both new and old (the only one missing is my copy of The Long Halloween, which was the casualty of theft-I lent it to a co-worker who had his car stolen, and I didn't have the heart to make him replace it...although sometimes I wish I did, cause its $20...oh well).

Kingdom Come, Mark Waid & Alex Ross

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Frank Miller, Klaus Janson & Lynn Varley

World Without a Superman, Dan Jurgens, Karl Kesel, Jerry Ordway, Louise Simonsen, Roger Stern, (among others)

The Death of Superman, Dan Jurgens, Jerry Ordway, Louise Simonsen, Roger Stern, Jon Bogdanove, Tom Grummet, (among others)

Superman For Tomorrow, Volumes 1&2, Brian Azzarello, Jim Lee, Scott Williams

Superman/Batman: Supergirl, Jeph Loeb, Michael Turner, Peter Streigerwald

Superman/Batman: Absolute Power, Jeph Loeb, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino

Superman Birthright: The Origin of the Man of Steel, Mark Waid, Leinil Francis Yu, Gerry Alanguilan

On my list of things still waiting to get, or replace as the case may be, are the Jeph Loeb, Tim Sale and Bob Kane Batman series, The Long Halloween, Dark Victory, & Catwoman: When in Rome.

Needless to say...I am one happy summer-free teacher.


James said...

Funny, that's exactly what I did with my birthday gift cards! Of course I went straight for "Hellboy: Strange Places" and "Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser." There's still quite a bit left, but I've set some of it aside at least for "Samurai Jack: Season 4."

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Leigh,
You should try watching the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited Series. In the spirit of all things Superman-ish, Here's a treat I'm sure you'll enjoy. Trust me, you won't be sorry: http://livedigital.com/content/keyword?type=video&keyword=justice+league&commit=1#:t=ratingVideo:o=80:c=362882

Phil said...

Sweet! Barnes & Noble is perhaps one of the best things around. I bet in the ones there near you they´ve got nice books-in-Spanish sections.

I´ve always kind of laughed at Smallville ("I come from a planet where we can only make one facial expression!"), but some friends talked me into watching the last season finale, and as much as I laugh at it, I kind of want to know what happens next. Oh, well...

Ché, acabo de llegar en Argentina. Echá un vistazo a mi blog, eh?