Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Doooode...I gots a job. took a Summer to find the right job to fill a very specific need...and the honest truth is, we are sort of jumping and hoping that all it promises it might be it in fact will be...but as of my first interview this morning I was offered a job at the number 1 Toyota dealer in the O.C., and after two more interviews, I decided that that was the position for me.

So...anyone need to buy a car? New or used, I got what you need. The great thing, especially if I can make it work for us, is that I'll be making a living helping people avoid feeling the awful stress of buying a car from someone they fear is only trying to milk them for every cent he can get from them.

My only problem is (and its a silly problem in a way) I have hard time anytime I start doing a job whose overall goal is generally to make a good living. I feel as if my life has lost purpose, as if I have instantly become a suit who is living for the next new thing he can buy. Of course...that's not an accurate summation of the situation. I am providing for my family...and as I said, I can do my job to help others, rather than use them. But every now and then, I have to remind myself of that important reality...because I can lose steam quickly if I forget that a job that earns money isn't a bad thing.

The other problem I will be working weekends (and especially as Labor Day weekend should be a great time to start a career in sales)...I will probably have to miss, if not all, at least large chunks of one of my favorite events of the year...the aforementioned Homer Marathon.


Sometimes being a grown-up isn't as much fun as it sounds. Maybe I can read the Illiad to Aiden...


MK Reynolds said...


that's sad. :P

But congratulations with the job!

James said...

Congrats indeed!

slowlane said...

Yay for the job!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Mr. Leigh! I had a question though, I'm not sure if this verse: (Ephesians 6:5-8)

5 Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ;

6 not by way of eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.

7With good will render service, as to the Lord, and not to men,

8 knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free.

Can this verse be applied to everyday work such as say, chimney sweeping? I know we talked and read about this with C.S. Lewis and Sayers, but I was never quite sure.

Chris said...

Heh. Exactly right Gabe. No, I fully admit that my problem is a bad view on work that I hold. Working through that...with varying degrees of success.

So what class are you taking this year? Going to Yorba Linda?

Anonymous said...

Hey, you survived us didn't you? I'm sure the people whom you help will appreciate your guidance almost as much as we, your students have appreciated it.
Meanwhile, I'm taking Foundations with Mr. Buhler...I think I may have spelled that wrong...(don't tell him that). He said to say hello. =]

Locke is....interesting.

So, have you sold any cars yet? Or, in other words, have you helped anyone 'avoid the awful stress of buying a car from someone whom they fear is only trying to milk them for every cent he can get from them'? (When you put it like that, it almost qualifies you for sainthood!)