Monday, November 03, 2008

The Dawning of the Age of Obamius

Although I firmly hold to my prediction that McCain is about to be elected President, it seems wise to say something now, on the chance that I am wrong.

If I am wrong, at least I will no longer have to strive after success; in the coming Obamatocracy, I will no longer need to put gas in my car; I will not need to make my mortgage payments; doctors will come to my door free of charge when I get my annual cold/flu bout. Haircuts will no longer be just haircuts; they will make us beautiful people. Even farts will smell sweet...after all, when Obama comes to town, bad gas is a thing of the past.

Well, that was fun. But seriously...if Obama does win, I want to say right here and now...

It won't be the worst thing in the world.

I think the country will be worse for it (obviously). I did vote for McCain, and generally I vote for the man I believe to be best qualified for the office, best able to make a positive impact on our way of life.

However...successful discussions are not one-sided. And for the last 8 years, the discussion from the White House has been from one point of view. To the Liberals, this point of view represents just about their idea of Hell on Earth. The Left HATES Bush...really they do. At this point, it is practically impossible to have a discussion about his decisions with anyone who seriously disagrees with them and avoid some very emotionally charged accusations.

For the Liberals of this nation, Bush represents the worst case scenario. Yet the Nation still stands, and if a person can shoe-horn themselves into a reasonable frame of mind, I think we all agree that while the last 8 years may not have been your cup of tea, the Republic still stands.

I say all of this because...if Obama wins...I firmly believe that the Republic will still be standing 4 years from now. It won't be my cup of tea...I voted for the other guy. But I am not going to take the route of the inflated Hollywood diva's or perpetually disenfranchised and threaten to move to Canada (not that it would offer much about leaving the frying pan in favor of the fire...). Obama is just a man, and even if he does preside over a Democrat dream team (solidly Liberal Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches), the Republic is bigger than the people who comprise the government of the nation.

Successful discussions are not one-sided. The nation may just be better for allowing one side to air-out their beliefs and test their theories. Certainly it appears that this is the desire of many Americans...why not have the patience and the trust in our system to endure the rule of a party we really disagree with? A challenge to conservatives...have the stalwart faith to congratulate Dems on winning this round and start prepping for 2010...changing the minds of America with regard to our beliefs requires a more coherent discussion than we have been offering for years now. I have mentioned elsewhere, and taking the over-used line from Spiderman...with power comes responsibility. If the Dem's get their wish...they also inherit responsibility for everything. As their opponents, this should excite Conservatives...criticism is easy to level; leadership is difficult, even painful...and history frequently shows us that the reward for leaders who do more than pander to the mob is disdain and explusion from power.

Still and all...its an election. It is part of the process of the discussion of power and law in our is exciting, it is is also just another day. The Republic stands, and we work to make it the best we can. Take heart, losers on either side! An election is lost today, but not the Republic, not the Nation, not the World...not our salvation. Deep breaths...deep breaths...

If Obama is the next President of the United States of America, good Christians and certainly good Americans should all raise their glasses in the following toast:

God Bless the United States of America!

I hope the same will resound tomorrow, when John McCain starts his celebration of Victory!

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