Friday, October 07, 2005

Can they DO that?!?

The E.U wants to take the internet away from the U.S.

We made it, they use it, and now a majority of other nations apparently think that they can force us to give it up. This is big enough to make the suggestion of leaving the U.N. a truly legitimate proposition. What's next? Defense Secrets that we are "forced" to share because otherwise its just not fair?

I'm almost speechless...almost. It reminds me of the Godfather, when the other crime families inform Don Corleone at the council after Sonny gets shot up that in fact he doesn't get to keep his power to himself, but must share his political connections with the other families. Well, we all know what happened to the other crime families, right? Watch your back, E.U. The next time we go to a baptism, its all over.



Linds said...

Oh, Chris... you sooo misrepresented what the article said. For shame! :) And you know the US would have its panties in a twist if the French had happened to invent it and controlled the root servers for the entire system. Now whether or not we'd be right to is of course a mater for debate, but you made it sound like there's a group of anti-American commies lurking about trying to keep us from using technology.

Chris said...

Well, I was addressing the topic of the article, which was discussing the news that by power of concensus, the E.U. is leading a group of nations in the decision to take control of the internet away from its creator, the U.S.

That happens to be anti-American...but its coming from the E.U., so its not much of a surprise. You're right--if the E.U. had created something which we depended on and retained control over it, it wouldn't be a lot of fun...but I doubt we'd actually be able to take it away from them. This isn't happening because there's a problem with America's control of the Internet--its happening because AMERICA controls it. They recognize it as a source of power (which it is in today's world), and don't want us having any more power than they need too they're voting on whether or not we get to retain control over our technology. Its crazy.

Even worse is what this reveals about America's position in the world. We are the world's remaining Super-power...and we're hated. However, we cannot effectively use our power in today's world, nor can we pull back and return to isolationism. We're stuck. No longer can the kid take his ball and go home...the neighborhood kids get together and vote, and take the kid's ball away from him, and tell him to go away until they want something else from him.

I'm teaching my kids in World History about the world's old empires and I cannot help but marvel at the stark contrast between our power and the empire's that came before us.

Linds said...

Isn't it crazy? What empires are you on now? We're between Assyria and Persia. I'm having fun trying to get the kids to wrap their brains around the fact that simply wiping out your enemy entirely was not only acceptable, but expected several thousand years ago.

Chris said...

We're moving into Aisa and are covering the Mongols right now. Coming soon, Feudal Japan. I only get them once a week, so its an enrichment class. I wish I had more time, but I feel as if I linger too much as it is given my time constraints. We've left Europe with the division of Rome, the rise of Byzantium, the emergence of Islam and the promise of a closer look on the other side of Asia. Lots of fun!