Monday, October 31, 2005


New Supreme Court Nominee today.

I wrote, in another forum, my thoughts last Thursday, the day that Miers stepped down from the nomination to the Supreme Court. Here's what I said:

I gotta say, privately I have been wondering for over a week whether this might not all have been intentional--including this latest "un-nomination" (resignation doesn't sound right, does it?)

The reason I have thought this is because the nomination really made so little sense.

Regardless of the qualifications of the woman, she was Bush's personal counsel...and on the heels of the uproar surrounding the former director of FEMA and accusations of cronyism, this nomination made my head spin. "WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING?!?!", I yelled to the radio/TV. It plays to obviously into the hands of the I am just hoping that the next nomination will reveal a little bit of deliberate planning behind this whole mess. I cannot say exactly what that might be...but it seems like such an obvious mistake that I am just hoping there's some design behind it all...making the next nomination easier to get through, or something like that.

As for Miers herself, I have no problem with her...she may have done just fine as a Judge. The biggest problem that I saw was the incredibly bad timing of nominating a personal friend to the position of S.C. judge even as you're being criticized for choosing friends over qualified people for important positions. If she had a public record to back her up, it might have been different...but it was all private and it just couldn't have been worse timing. I am sure she'll be remains to be seen if Bush will make a choice that shows he wasn't oblivious to the criticism he's received in the last two months.

Well, based on the sound of Bush's new nomination, I think I was right. He's very experienced. He's just also very conservative and, clearly, male. But if you wanted one who might not have been as conservative and female, Bush offered Miers, and nobody wanted her. I think this was all one big plan to get Alito (or someone like him) into the position of having a huge surge of support from the Conservatives, and make the left look stupid. I think its working too. We'll see, of course...but I know that those Conservatives out there who have been urging our leaders to stand firmly and proudly as conservatives are happy. I'm one of them. Its a good day!

Happy Halloween!

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