Monday, December 08, 2008

Inevitable and Hilarious

This makes me laugh...a lot.


As a brief explanation, let me ask a few questions of the Dems/Left leaner's that cannot stand Bush and were so excited about getting him out of office:

Do President's like to be liked?

Could Bush have been liked if he had wanted to be liked?

My answers to those questions are, respectively, yes, and yes.

So why did he hang his entire legacy on issues that contributed directly to his status as the whipping boy of the world? Simple hubris? Greed? Stupidity? Ignorance of the general growing discontent with his leadership? Or, as Oliver Stone ridiculously suggested, Daddy Issues?

Any or all of these are possibilities. The one possibility that the Left seems incapable of accepting is that we do not (and cannot) know all of the issues that impact the decisions the President must make. A President who is not self-serving first will not please everyone, and may end up not pleasing anyone (at least, any of the people who "matter").

As Obama's agenda and cabinet bring a harsh reality to the Leftist utopia envisioned by the subscribers of HuffPo, ask yourself this question: what has Obama learned, since winning the election, that has changed his perspective on so many issues?


Linds said...

Meh. I love that he's pissing off the party - it means he's doing what he said he would.

As for Bush - he's not 'unliked' because he's doing what's right, no one likes him because he's destroying the presidency. And foreign relations. :)

Chris said...

Foreign relations...a tricky responsibility for a President. What IS his responsibility, in the end?

As for "destroying the Presidency", exactly?

You may not like how he's governed, but that doesn't mean he's destroyed the office. He's part because he's an abysmal communicator, but also because half the country strongly disagrees with his policies and won't engage in the discussion any longer. To support the policies Bush championed is to be a fringe right-wing crazy...not an accurate portrayal, but a popular one currently.

A case in point is the election of Barrack Obama...while he seems to be a fine man, and I am praying for his success (really) he is woefully unqualified for the office...which, perversely, is one of his great attractions to so many. I have talked to so many people who can barely articulate what they expect...but they want something "different"...different how, and different why, they're not so sure...but they are firmly convinced that Bush deserves to be brought up on war crimes.

They cannot articulate why that is either...just that the war is bad and unnecessary...and that Iraq wasn't responsible for 9/11 (an idea that was inserted into the narrative, but has little to do with the reality of the situation).

All of this is to say...Bush is the scourge of the Left...and the whipping boy of the country and even the world...but there's very little meat to the outrage. Mostly people upset and looking for someone to blame. We'll have to see how the golden candidate does in their eyes when reality catches up with his government.

I suspect this early disappointment is symptomatic of more to come, at least, I hope it is...

Linds said...

The unconstitutional expansion of executive power coupled with a judicial and military power grab under the guise of being at war - these are the things I despise about the Bush administration. From Rumsfeld to Gonzalez, not even to mention Cheney or Rove, it would be laughable if it were farce.

As for Obama being 'woefully unqualified', Bush was equally, if not more so. I know , I know, he was governor of Texas - but read the state constitution sometime. The governor's a figurehead - it's the lieutenant governor who wields executive power in the great Lone Star state. :)

And of course there will be disappointment. A president isn't a savior, and oughtn't be. But our new president seems to be able to roll some of that back, which is a good thing.

The executive branch is, historically, a see saw. We go from overreaching to incompetent and back again as decades pass. It'll take quite a big swing to reenter constitutionality from the Bush administration, but we're at least moving in the right direction. Obama will do bad things in different ways, and the next president will have to right the ship once more. :)