Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Fantastic Rush Limbaugh

This will probably sound too typical; I like Rush Limbaugh. A lot. I enjoy listening to him, and have since I started listening to radio as a kid. I know that radio isn't well respected...and I know that Rush in particular gets a lot of garbage thrown his way because he makes himself an easy target...any man who consistently opens a show informing his audience that his talent is on loan from God is bound to tick someone off. But I really love listening to him, and even when he's exagerating, he's one of the best at summing up a problem and addressing it intelligently.

Well, this is pulled from his page--which I have linkedon the sidebar--pulled, more specifically from his quotes section. Mr Limbaugh, though I'm fairly sure you'll never read this, thank you. This is just awesome.

"The French found two suspicious, questionable substances in Lance Armstrong's hotel room in 1999. They were later identified as soap and deodorant."

Ah. Wonderful.

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