Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Intelligent Design

Its so ironic really. At the Academy, we had one of the biggest names at Biola talk about exactly this issue...and then the week that the Academy ends this story started coming out. In case you were living in a hole for the past two weeks, here's the story. This is the link from the NY Times article concerning the issue. You'll probably have to register--its free though.

There's a lot out there...I spent over half an hour yesterday writing a long post on this, including links to others with more to say (who also say it better) and my thoughts on the subversive nature of late-night comedians in this debate. I won't duplicate the got lost when I tried to post it, not realizing that Blogger was down for maintinence, and trying to duplicate it would be frustrating, and probably less effective. My main thoughts were that its truly disturbing how, through a dumb little skit on the Conan O'Brien show that officially is designed to mock Bush and present him as an idiot, a comedian is also weighing in on I.D. and the question of whether or not evolution is the only science or not, etc. They didn't even do very much--they simply made their charicature of Bush read what Bush actually said and that's enough. Disturbing.

Anyways, here's the other links that I thought were really worth reading. They're to Reynold's blog, and include articles from the press that he is responding to, and a response to a letter responding to a radio program that he was on discussing the viability of teaching ID as a theory of origins in the classroom. Read, read, read! It should be noted--those are three different links. If you're interested at all in the issues being debated--and more if you want to hear a good arguement from the I.D. perspective, I suggest taking a look.

1 comment:

Chris said...

hubris and being, eh? Care to expound?