Thursday, August 10, 2006

Coolest Starbucks Moment Ever

I have been meaning to relate this...its one of those moments that you have to hold on to, to keep you from going nuts in the midst of making 4000 Carmel Fraps a night...

So, we have this regular named Nick. Orders a Iced Venti Vanilla Latte, with 4 shots and whipped cream. As with all regulars, I like to be generous and also like to chat from time to time. One night, during the recent crazy heat wave, he came in, ordered the usual, and while waiting for his drink, I noticed that he had a cigar in his shirt pocket. We were talking, and he said that he enjoyed sitting, on occasion, outside, drinking his coffee and smoking a cigar. I said that, yes, that's good way to spend an evening, and that was the end of our discussion.

Couple weeks later...

Another, quite similar night, Nick the regular walks in and orders his usual. I am once again on the bar, and so I masterfully put his drink together. While I am topping it off with whipped cream, he asks me if I enjoy cigars. I say, yes, I have enjoyed them when I have smoked them (which is rare, but I have enjoyed them every time). He reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out an extra cigar and hands it to me, and tells me that he remembered talking with me and that I had mentioned how nice it was to sit, drink coffee and smoke a cigar--so he brought an extra to give to me! How cool is that?

I have the cigar sitting on my desk, waiting for the day I turn in my notice at Starbucks. Oh, and its coming soon!

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