Thursday, August 24, 2006

Waiting on the World...

to Change?


John Mayer has captured one of the central flaws of my generation in a song.

Seriously...Sigh. I am depressed everytime I think about this song--which is unfortunate, because musically its quite nice. But the lyrics that are oh-so-easy to sing-a-long with are...evil. That's right...evil...EeeeeVIL ("pinky finger to the lip" evil).

Alright...I'll retract the "EVIL" branding. The lyrics are not diabolical. They're just kinda sad and pathetic. And its receiving the sort of buzz that old rallying songs used to receive--like the Beatles' Revolution.

"it's not that we don't care, we just know that the fight ain't fair"

I mean, what is that? The only hopeful part about the stupid song is that this is the tried and true way to NOT impact the hopefully my kids will be running things and John Mayer's kids will be singing songs about them for years to come.

Apathy--the new rejection of the system!

I hope that John Mayer is being cleverly ironic; singing a song about how the world behaves--and challenging it by singing a song "lauding" its vices...but I don't have much hope for that kinda of clever song-writing.

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