Thursday, August 10, 2006

You just wish...

...that you had my job.

Admit it.

You envy me.

Its understandable.

A beautiful wife.

An amazing son.

Devilish good looks.

Rapier-like wit.

Roguish charm.

I can hear you now; "Why does Chris get all the good stuff?" you ask yourself, bitterness welling up inside you. Shame on you.

Well, let me tell you--though all of the above is true, not everything is easy, even for me. I live in a small, old, and rather rundown apartment (despite our best efforts to make it home...we succeed, but since we can make this place comfy, just think about what we could do with a nice place!) I drive a gas guzzling, frequently broken Kia Sportage...and its white. And, I do live in a parking lot city, which has been forced into existence by man, though nature never intended a city to reside here.

For a while now, I would have been able to add the fact that I, a grown up by most estimations (based, if not on my youthful good looks and energetic enthusiasm, then on my current status in life) work with mostly kids making coffee. Sigh. It was a huge chink in my armor, a glaring fault in the midst of dazzling perfection...that's me.

But no more. I got a full-time new job...teaching...great...books.

That's right.

I read and talk for a living. I read things like LOTR and Mere Christianity. And talk. Hmmm...yeah, there's not much of a downside to that (grading papers not withstanding!)

I guess I cannot blame you for envying me. I envied me until I got this job.

This is so cool!

1 comment:

slowlane said...

You are weird.