Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Why is History Important?

We had our first "High Table" session this past Tuesday. The "High Table" references the tradition at Oxford and, essentially, its where the Dons sit. Its the High Table, and the students sit at the regular tables. Well, our High Table draws on that tradition, because its for us, the teachers; notably our time at the High Table is not just meal-time, but is a session for us, the tutors.

Its a lot of fun.

This time we talked about Genesis. Mr Bartel led it, and the question he asked was a variation of the question I asked in the title of this post...What is the point of memory?

Now...recreating our discussion would be neither interesting or helpful. But it was, I think, a worthwhile question...and I keep thinking about it over 24 hours later--which is always a good sign.

So...why is memory important? What is the point of history? I can (and did) give the typical historian's reason for the importance of history...but why do we want to keep what happened so long ago fresh in our minds? Why does God make that important (there are numerous references to the heritage of Faith and the history of God's faithfulness throughout the Scriptures)?

Ultimately...why do we want to know our history?

I know what you're thinking; "Chris, I don't want to know our history...its boring and I have better things to do."

I say that's a bunch of bunk. You have been taught wrong. Your teachers have failed you, and you should file a complaint. Better yet, read more and go back and teach in their place--so that your children won't be ruined like you were ruined. But I digress.

You DID and probably still actually DO want to know your history. Why do I know this to be true? Because, unless you're truly braindead and insulated from all society, you go to the movies, you watch TV and you read books. Why do you do these things?

Is it because you literally have nothing better to do with your time? With the exception of reading books, that's patently false.

Or perhaps you think that you are drawn to these stories for some inane reason, that stands alone, unconnected with the rest of humanity, time, space, etc? That's also quite wrong.

No--you interact with those stories because you want to know. You want to touch the stories that tell us who we are and what we are becoming. And that is exactly what history is--you just don't know it yet.

You go in search of those stories because when you see Tom Hanks pinned down on that beach in Saving Private Ryan you feel something stirring inside you that touches something you don't quite understand...but whether you know it or not, it connects you with the men that endured that awful morning. They were men, and you are man (in the genus sense). And when you hear their begin to perceive a little bit of your place in time, space, etc. You connect--and that matters almost more than anything else. In connecting you are reaching into the soul of humanity...and in the soul of humanity vaccum left by our separation from God. There resides the question that moves all other questions. When you delve into these stories, or better still into history itself, you hit upon a direct line to your heritage as Adam's offspring...and you connect once again to the ancient relationship between Creator and creation.

If that's not worth studying...I don't know what is.


Linds said...

There is always the Venerable Bede's wonderful prologue to his Ecclesiastical History of the English People that is so often quoted it has become trite and yet vital -- if we study the good deeds done by good men, we will be inclined to imitate them, but if we study the bad deeds done by bad men and see the consequences they brought upon them, we will shun evil and cling to good.

Remind me to tell you about a great way I found to incorporate a discussion of the intellect, passions, and desires into a history lesson. Your students would groove on it. :)

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