Friday, August 11, 2006

High on Life!

A little extreme I suppose...I sound like one of those insane inspirational speakers, or something.

But I am notably better tonight than I was last night.

You see, I hate being sick. And last night...I was sick. Fever of 102, aching pretty much everywhere...I wished I was dead. Being sick doesn't reflect well on makes me seem...ill.

I much prefer this current state. Wide awake at 2 AM and wanting to post on my blog, watching history documentaries on Churchill and Roosevelt. Much preferable to wishing I could disappear into the folds of my couch just so I would stop feeling the way I felt.

Of course...I could probably avoid being sick if I went to bed now. I leave with this final thought...Churchill was a giant to Roosevelt's ant-like character. Governments trade in PR but could become legendary if they affected real change. And late night television is unique in its ability to be simultaneously interesting and inane.

See...I get a new job, I like my life a little more...I start blogging more. Now if I get more readers...I might start believing I got the job because the world needed my blog. And they do...oh they do...

Wow...I'm tired...

1 comment:

slowlane said...

I think that whenever you go without answering your phone for like... a kazillion days, you should be extra certain to blog.