Saturday, August 12, 2006

Royal Family Kids' Camp

I will be gone this week, working at the Royal Family Kids' Camp hosted by our church. In the meantime, my family will be enjo-I mean struggling with my absence. So please keep them in your prayers. Sheri is getting ready to return full-time to the nursing program (year two) at Biola, and is very excited about getting geared up for that...and it would be easier to do that if she weren't flying solo for the week before classes start. Aiden is gearing up to run around the house and have a great time...and it will probably be easier to make messes now that there aren't four hands/eyes/feet etc to prevent him from wreaking havoc. Seriously though, just keep them in prayers, if you would, that they will be safe and have a really great week together. And if you remember me, pray for me. I have been sick this last week, and this coming week looks to be rather tiring. Pray that I can stay healthy and be energetic for the kids, and that the kids themselves will be touched by the love of Christ throughout the week.

Thanks all.

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