Tuesday, August 08, 2006

New Job, New Times



My how plans can change. God has an interesting way of...shall we say...adjusting our plans as we go.

I have been hired on full-time as a tutor at the Torrey Academy, which functions under the STAR program at Biola University.

This is, really, a dream come true. I actually get to make a living reading books and talking about them. Not much of a living...it is, after all, Christian education, but a living nonetheless. My first full salary position (i.e. not paid by the week or hour, but by on a 10 month schedule).

The only down side, and it really is difficult for me to do, is that I have to resign my position at Santa Fe Springs Christian Middle School.

It is a disappointment...of a interesting nature. I was very much looking forward to the chance to work at that school. Still, I love this new job I have, and I have no doubt it will be ultimately incredibly fulfilling. I just feel bad about having to leave that school with only two weeks before the semester starts to fill that position.


Thank you Lord for the gift of this new job!

1 comment:

Linds said...

Wow, working for STAR. You're a brave soul. :)