Thursday, May 25, 2006


Its official. I've signed a contract to work for Santa Fe Springs Christian Middle School. Teaching part time through the next year, covering 6th-8th grade history, spanning from Ancient to U.S. history.

I get to work with my former room-mate and groomsman, Justin Rupple. It is the same school the my niece, Chole Winter, attends.

All in all, I am happy. I am very excited about this opportunity.

Now, lest you think this answers all prayers...God has been good, but has apparently decided that I will profit from having more than one job next year. So pray that the next job makes itself known sooner rather than later. We'll need roughly $1000/month on top of what I will be making at the school. And we'll need child-care for Aiden. We've accepted that we may have to borrow money to pay for child-care...a thought which doesn't give us much comfort. But God will provide.

So praise be to God for His provision in this. Praise Him for what He will do to meet the rest of our needs. As the needs arise, the means will come to meet those needs.

Middle Schoolers ignorant of history beware...I am contracted.

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