Monday, May 15, 2006

Pinko Commie!

Psst...guess what? I'm a liberal.

Or at least, I've been accused of holding views "typical of liberals". And its assumed that all such ideas are bad things...and even I (and, let me assure you, I'm a fairly well rooted conservative) cannot bring myself to make that ridiculous equivalence.

Why am I so branded? Why so marked? Why, why WHY??!?!?

Because I suggested that refusing service to homosexuals on the basis that they are homosexuals is, in fact, bigotry.


Yes, well, its true.

The right to private property (which I DO think is a big deal) doesn't, I think, excuse bigotry--or it shouldn't. The government, to be both free and moral, has to provide some standard of protection for both the consumer and the business owner.

Now, dear reader(s?)--it might be ambitious to assume there's more than one of you out there--don't rush to assumptions. I DO believe that homosexuality is a sin. I don't think its the same as race or gender--I believe its a choice--but that doesn't matter. That is not how our society perceives it. Rather, homosexuals occupy the same place as other minorities and receive extra protection to make up for their pre-disposition to a life-style that separates them from the majority. Its what the majority of our country has decided. And since we live in a Republic, the opinion of the majorty matters above nearly all else. I suppose I could spend all my time arguing that this is unfair (which...I think it might be) but the very idea makes me tired.

If we're in battle for the soul of this nation, I want to outflank all of them and win the war, not engage in trench warfare over details about the positions the people I disagree with occupy in society.

Yet, even if our society didn't see homosexuality as the same sort of distinguishing attribute as gender and race, would even that matter? I have tried and am at a loss to discover the active harm the very presence of homosexuals accomplishes on our society. I disagree with them...I think they are living in sin...but they are hurting themselves, not me. Its a grievious sin...but their souls are the ones being devoured by it. What justification could there be for a free society to hate a group of people that are hurting themselves? Homosexuals are not fruitful--they cannot, on their own, reproduce. There's that...but this hardly seems a good reason to cut them off from society. Surely that problem carries with it its own consequence. In the end...refusing service because you just like someone is petty and should be something you learned to stop doing in grade school.

So now to the spiritual question; why is this the tactic (aversion and bigotry) several in the church seem to take? Why do we close the door instead of welcoming them in with open arms? I do NOT mean that we should ever suggest that what they do is fine and dandy...its a sin. But we associate with sinners all day can they be won if all we ever say is "You're a sinner--ewwww!" and not "Jesus the Christ loves you and calls you to come and be forgiven and loved!" I realize that some will still perceive judgement in this sentiment (and there ARE Christians that do send this message and still get attacked as bigots)...but surely we stand to catch more fish with a message of properly mixed love and truth than one of only judgement. I say this as a person inclined to care more about truth than I care about love or cannot win souls without all three!

Father God have mercy on us. We are short-sighted and proud.

The other big argument I have heard against allowing homosexuals into our society as equals is that they bring with them moral decay...that they subvert good Christian morals and values with their presence. Well, to this I say this...where the hell are the Christians while this moral decay happens?!?!?! Are we such children that we cannot ALSO impact society? Is our faith and our God so weak that the presence of sinners ruins our opportunity to prove our witness? If this is the case, should we not pack up and call it a day? After 2000 years...if Christianity cannot survive genuine public debate today, how can we prevail?

When did we become so toothless? As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been teaching my kids about the "Enlightenment". I really am at a loss to explain to them why the church went from having the smartest people in the world to being whooped by the likes of the enlightenment thinkers. Where were our Thomas', where were our Dante's--where exactly did our offensive line go? Why did it take nearly 200 years before we got some intelligent, articulate and aggressive Christians to chip away at the facade that the faith had lost its grip on the *real* world?

Moody, Torrey, Chesterton, Lewis...we needed you and need you still.

Of course, I indict myself. Complacency is as bad as bigotry. So I write this down, in part to muster my thoughts and punctuate my arguments...and in part to call myself to account. May I live in disgraceful anonimity if I do not respond to my own challenge to confidently proclaim the truth of the Christ with love and a heart for peace.

So yeah...I guess I'm a bleeding heart liberal. Maybe my blog will get more know the NSA moniters every liberal blogger out there. It was only a matter of time before I was outted. Lindsay, can you tell me where to get my new membership card? >:)


Linds said...

Bwuhahahahahahahahaha! You liberal! :) Seriously, bubbs is becoming more and more insane with each passing year. To actually have to argue with someone that not renting to a person based on sexual orientation isn't some form of bigotry is ridiculous. Where have all the dictionary salesmen gone?

Oh, and I'm having your card printed as we speak. In honor of your former conservative identity, it will be gold plated. But you'll feel really guilty about it. :)

Chris said...

Thanks for that. I was worried that at the next secret liberals meeting I would feel out of place. :)