Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Employment Woes

I would appreciate prayer for some decisions that I have made and may still have to make. As our lives continue to change with Sheri returning to school to finish her BSN, I have been working towards finding a job that will provide more for us while meeting certain requirements. Already I have had to turn down two jobs which I might have been glad to take had circumstances been different.

Currently I have two big applications I am waiting on (one with a Christian school, the other with ECCU), though only one of them would actually provide a living wage for next year...I'll leave you to guess which (heh). I would love to teach at the school--in many ways I felt that it would be a perfect fit for me. However, while looking at the needs of my family, its becoming less and less likely that its really feasible. However, I still have no idea whether I have another option, as the application process for ECCU is hardly a quick one. I am willing to do what it takes to make either job work, but it would be an answer to prayer if the road was a clear one, and honestly I would prefer to finally find one job that can cover our needs and compliment our lives.

Its an understatement to say that turning down jobs even as I pray for employment has caused me no small amount of stress, but I believe that God has led us in every step to this place. For that I am thankful and praise Him for His faithfulness.

Father God keep us every hour in You almighty hands. We trust you with our needs, for you have ever proven a faithful and gracious Lord.


James said...

Hang in there, Chris. We're praying!

Anonymous said...

I was just wondering if you understood the origin of your blog's title. The ancient Britons(Celts) of Wales used the term to refer to Wales itself in their pre-Christian days. I wasn't sure if there was a subtle meaning behind your choice (considering you seem to be fairly passionate about Christianity, the choice of an ancient pagan homeland as your title found me wondering)and what it was. I understand this is strange, me not knowing you, but as I was looking for info on the aforesaid usage, your blog popped up and I figured I'd share some knowledge while here. Forgive me for intruding and may the Lord smile on your job hunting.

Chris said...

Oh yeah--totally aware of the old usage. Thanks for commenting!

Briton and Wales and Ireland were the last sparks of the light of civilization when Rome fell. The old name has a special meaning in this light. I mean, among other things, they were havens where Christianity was upheld as it was no where else in the West. Their light remained and shone on a dark West until the light returned with the Renaissance.

I chose the name for this blog because of the history of the name and the image of an island fortress standing strong against a sea of night. Hopefully, though I am only blogging, my words on this blog stand as a testament of the God I serve. I, clearly, like to discuss a variety of issues--especially political ones. But in all things I strive to hold the position that honors Christ first. An Isle of the Mighty on the blogosphere.

And, in all honesty, I'm not the first one to suggest that--Stephen R Lawhead, who I posted about recently, was the one that sold me on the name. I'm several generations an American, but I am of mostly Irish/English descent, and so what else could a long lost son of the Isle call his blog?