Sunday, May 21, 2006

Political Broo-ha-ha

As my last post was a "survey" of my political inclinations, I thought I would post some thoughts on my political stance.

The "survey" is correct...I am a Republican. I cannot be called an independent. I am not a Democrat. I am a Conservative, not a Liberal.

But these titles mean very little upon reflection. Most people have little or no idea what they represent...even fewer have a clear idea of which politicians represent what ideas of which parties.

Well, this is not going to be Politics 101. I am neither inclined nor qualified enough at this point in time to attempt that...and I am fairly certain nobody would be interested in reading it...whether they're interested in read what I write instead is something else, but I don't care about that for the moment.

So...this post is to pan out what I believe, possibly with some reasons as to "why", and to show how that draws a line to a political affiliation. I am not a Republican first...I am a believer of certain ideals and a Republican as a result. So, here goes...

I believe in the importance of a strong central government. Its a necessity.

I believe in the obligation of the government to provide for certain basic freedoms; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (read: excellence). I also think it is the obligation of the government to instill a certain amount of moral guidance into our common affairs. Preventing things like discrimination that, though they might be the rights of free men to practice, are not allowable in a moral society. This is a two-headed axe abortion is in direct violation of these rights as far as the unborn child is concerned...and that should concern us all.

I believe in the need for a national defense that proactively addresses issues of domestic and international concern. Whether it has always been needed doesn't factor into the reality that it is needed today.

I believe that while the government should operate as a shelter for the free market to operate within, there must be oversight to protect both the consumer and the producer of goods and services. The free market, when unattended, has no moral foundation that I am aware of. It is valuable, but as with all free things, for there to be freedom a certain amount of control and discipline is necessary.

I believe there is a delicate balance to maintain in a free society between the rights of the individual and the rights of society as a whole. I tend to think that in today's litigious and P.C. atmosphere, we are unbalanced in favor of the individual and to the cost of society as a whole. If we are to survive and thrive, this must be remedied.

I believe that while diversity should be celebrated, it should not be forced.

I believe that society should reward the virtuous and hard working with rewards suiting their efforts. Welfare should not be offered to people that won't work.

I believe that if you work in the government, you should be held to a higher standard.

I believe in the death penalty. Why should violent felons sap the resources of the society they have harmed? And if not the death penalty...then a penal colony. Whatever the final solution, criminals of a violent nature should not sap the resources of society, and neither should they receive mercy while their victims receive no justice.

I do not think the government needs to be larger.

I like lowering taxes. I hate paying them.

I think the government should fund education better--including private school options.

I think prayers should be allowed at school.

I think US history should be taught as a positive reflection of our past...not as a list of indictments on the sins of America's bloody life. Save that for parents. Schools should teach truth...but they shouldn't mis-represent the truth by emphasizing only one aspect of it.

I think you can recognize that we are primarily a nation of the Judeo-Christian vent without outlawing other religions. Ignoring the reality in favor of including everyone as if they represent equal demographics to the overwhelming majority is forcing beliefs on people.

I think the "In God We Trust" is appropriate and should remain on our currency and in our pledge. For that matter...I don't see how show-casing the 10 Commandments in a court room constitutes a serious breach in the separation of Church and State.

I think freedom of speech is as dangerous as the right to bear arms. More revolutions have happened as a result of ideas than guns. More people have died over ideas than guns. More often than not, people with guns that act badly do so because of bad ideas. You put away your pen...then talk to me about putting away the guns.

I think immigration is an important issue. Simple amnesty is not the answer. Closing the borders and posting snipers in the desert...also not the answer. Closing the border is actually part of the answer though. But I gave my thoughts on this already.

I am not a single issue voter, but if I was...abortion would be enough. Whichever party embraces the murder of the unborn with a whole heart has lost its way, IMHO. I know there are other issues of moral relevance (which is why I'm not a single issue voter) but the importance of this gets down-played when we mock single-issue voters. We're "ok" with killing babies folks. Think about it...the government upholds the "Rights of the Mother" over the "Right of Life". There's a problem there.

I am actually a believer in the idea of a republic versus a democracy. People are stupid. I don't want people having direct power. I want a shield between us and power. Yay electoral college!

I think national security can trump individual rights if the situation merits it. This doesn't mean I think there shouldn't be significant deliberation before that happens...but its a reality I think we need to remember.

Finally...I don't think its necessary to apologize to anyone for prosperity. Nor does that necessitate the responsibility to help those that refuse to acknowledge their own need. If we help those that cannot stand us...that's a good thing, maybe...but its not and shouldn't be expected.

So yeah. These are some of the reasons I come out as a Republican. Hopefully a little clarifying.

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