A More Unique Hogwarts Sorting Quiz
Gryffindor! Fun-loving and ballsy down to the last detail, you follow rules when it's convenient for you and never turn down an opportunity to par-tay. You're loud, mischievous, and a little naive at times, but never let your awesome self-confidence waver. Like Slytherin, you too appreciate the finer things in life...just in a very...different way.
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I took it twice (couldn't make my mind up on some of the questions). I got Gryffindor and Slytherin. Am I my own foil?
Perhaps you are the only one that can properly challenge you...a tragic flaw of epic proportions!
Yeah, I was afraid I was going to come out Slytherin. Different quiz--most ask "which mascot do you like the best? are you like draco or harry?" Ridiculous.
Of all the Harry Potter characters, I am closest to Ravenclaw, apparently. He wasn't in the last two movies, though (was he?), so I really don't know what it means.
Alas, I've lost your e-mail address again. If you click on my name up there and get mine and send me something, I'll e-mail you back.
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