Monday, May 16, 2005

Good Call Newsweek...

This is the problem with our press today. So eager to break the stories that will "reveal all" that will show just how corrupt and despicable the tactics of the "illegal" war on terror are...that they publish incorrect information--information that they admit will be used to fan unrest against our citizens, soldiers--and then say "sorry" as if that matters anymore.

Bravo, Newsweek Editors. Next time your "Conventional Wisdom" gives its insight--why not taking a good look in the mirror. As this will very likely NOT happen, I humbly offer my own CW on the situation.

Old CW--Newsweek has an obvious left slant but has some real value to it when it comes to getting news--and the cartoons are the best in the News Mag world.
New CW--Newsweek is all about grabbing headlines, and our soldiers pay the price. Hint--Check sources before printing.

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