Tuesday, May 17, 2005


The most ironic (if disturbing) news today...

In the same court room that he committed murder in, he's pleading not guilty. How can any lawyer seriously try and defend this man???


Shavonne said...

I think this trial should be more about how he should die. He should die by firing squad since that how he took three lives. Unfortunately, it's called criminal justice for a reason...justice for the criminals.

Chris said...

while I agree that justice is important...so is the man's right to be heard. I think he should receive the death penalty...but he has the undeniable right to a trial.

Chris said...

*note* by trial, I mean a trial which, against all odds, presumes innocence until proven guilty. The sentencing can concern itself with how he is punished for his crimes--but his right entitle him to a fair trial.