Wednesday, May 25, 2005

When Things Go Very, Very Wrong

Amnesty International. Not a big fan.

Today they have made ridiculous comparisons to the American prisons for terror suspects and war criminals to the gulags of the Soviets--essentially death camps.

Here's a hint, Amnesty: spend your time, money, and limited talent trying to take on the actual gulags in our world. I find it truly funny that America's prisons are the topic of a lot of hype and angst amongst those who are against the war on terror...but if America allows terrorists to be sent to prisons in other nations, that's clearly much worse. It doesn't get the press that America's prisons do--but everyone knows we're not the modern gulags.

If we were as bad as they say...would it be better if we turned them over to, say, Pakistan? Turkey? Whatever problems may exist in our prisons, the exaggerations in the accusations should make it clear that their skewed evaluations of the United States are baseless. Looking at that fact, its really curious (and kinda sad) that people can still accept the ridiculous premises offered by the slanderers that this war is a war for profit and power.

As long as people continue to look to the US to provide justice and freedom, the accusations that we have been overwhelmed with corruption have no meaning. As long as they continue to accuse us of losing our moral ground, I think its safe to say that we know we haven't. Nobody tells Iran, Syria, N. Korea, Pakistan, etc that they've devolved and become institutions of corruption. That's almost all anybody yells at the US.

The irony is thick this morning.

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